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Category: Awake

Feudalism – The Return

Feudalism – The Return

Since realising the party I was working for wasn’t what I thought1Although I also adjusted my views some at the same time. But I still think I fell victim to the old truth that when you see how the sausage is made, you either stop eating or don’t care. I stopped eating in this case., I’ve had to question some of my positions throughout that career. One of the ones I still am proud of, is that I did try to work against a reinstatement of conscription in my country. The party still voted for it, and the country too. But I was against it then, and am still now.

At the time, my opposition was based around the idea that the state and government, in my view, does not have the opinion to order anyone to do anything. Especially not risk one’s life. My position is that a country needs to be run so well, so true to the heart and soul of the folk of that nation, that if or when there is an enemy at the gates, people will fall over themselves to defend what is theirs. Conscription allows a country to be run like a third-world shit-hole without consequence for the people in charge.

Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen takes this idea a step further. He calls it Feudalism 2.0. And, now, as I too have started to pay attention to the various threads that are coming together, I fully agree. From enforced vaccinations, to, in my country, mandatory state schools, to conscription and perhaps a widening of this to include well more than military service. For free.

Perhaps someone might think I, and Bjørn, are being overly conspiratorial here? I do not think so. The direction is very clear. Some might even say “But you have to do your duty and then demand your rights”2A classic socialist saying in Sweden: Gör din plikt, kräv din rätt.. To this is say: bollox! Our right have been boiled down to “free” stuff from the government. My right to life, to do honest work, to own my land, to offer my services, to live as I see fit whilst not infringing on the rights of another. These are NOT state given, they were given us by the Gods.

It is quite clear that the so-called social contract of pretty well all Western3Clearly there are levels in hell here. nations have been most thoroughly broken at this point. And the tool used to set fire to what’s left is a combination of plandemics, eternal wars, and climate psychosis.

We have to wake up to what is being done to us. Whether it is every day control with CBDC and surveillance “for your safety and convenience” or this new type of utter ‘thralldom’. The state does not own you. It is time we all remembered that.

☞ Odds & Ends

☞ Odds & Ends

Things are moving slowly for me at the moment. Primarily because I seem to be having some sort of relapse regarding my pain and spasms, which in turn does little for my sleep. I don’t know why this is, but it could be some sort of cleansing going on as I am back on a better diet than in months, and I and the dogs have at least one-hour walks daily. I am going to my various tools to try to soften the blow, but on some level, I probably have to let whatever this is run its course too. Given all the work I have already done around fear, that might be a contributing factor.

I think a lot when I go on these walks though. Sometimes it’s just me and nature. Listening for animals, feeling the gnomes and elves watching. And sometimes, I think long and deep out loud about all sorts. Not least what is going on, where we are going, and the spirit world.

One ‘funny’ thing that happened to me in the last three or four months was that I got a new (used) car. My old car was great, but it was going to need some repairs soon, a thorough service, and it was quite ill-suited for someone spending a lot of time on gravel roads and with two more or less wet and dirty dogs in the back. I was also my grandmother’s driver, and she had more and more trouble getting in and out of this quite low two-door 1Two-door cars often have longer and heavier doors, these can be a strain for old people to both reach and then close. For reasons I will not recount in detail, I went looking for a car that would do the job while mostly pleasing everyone else but me.

In the middle of this process, my gran died. Which in a family already quite grief-stricken, was a giant stressor. Instead of backing off and borrowing a car for a while, I more or less panicked and got the first thing that looked good enough. Ignoring every single warning sign as I did so. From the fact that the car was a good deal more expensive than even better-equipped versions from other sellers, to forgetting to inspect the car thoroughly and being critical. On top of that, the seller was an immigrant with an accent who had a car dealership under a Swedish name. A guy who was all smiles and butter before the contract was signed, and after was both rude and taunting.[/mfn]As an aside I’ve bought cars from immigrants twice before. Those are the only times I’ve been thoroughly tricked by card dealers.[/mfn]

Asking around with mechanics and car people later, I’ve realised that the whole operation probably is a racket where they use local women, their names won’t pop as clearly when you check previous owners, to buy up cars which they then spit-polish to look good enough to pass testing and sell expensively to Swedes who are dumb enough to trust them. When the car inevitably breaks down only shortly later, they refer to the contract but ‘graciously’ offer to have the car in to see what might be wrong. They can give you a special deal for the repair, as you are a valued customer. Most likely, though of course, I don’t know for sure, they then make sure you become a repeat customer.

Delving into databases online I have even found what their mole paid for my car. A third of what they charged me. And in the best case scenario, they cleaned it, put a used coil and sparkplugs in it, and a set of the cheapest tires you can find. I have already spent about what they paid for the car, just to keep it rolling. The financial loss for me personally is quite substantial, as I am still, shall we say, struggling to attract money. Though I, at first, was furious, I have now reached a more zen space and laugh about it. It was an expensive lesson, but a lesson nonetheless. What remains is to try and fix the situation.

As I find it difficult to focus for any longer period right now, I have spent some time reading and watching entertainment more than I usually do. But I have come across a few things that I think could be interesting to share. First, of course, the Tucker Carlson Putin interview. I entirely agree with Tucker that interviewing Putin is important, and something someone should have done a long time ago. That’s not to say that I particularly like Putin, even as I think you would have to concede he is impressive. Red Ice’s analysis of the interview was also interesting.2Though likely triggering for a lot of people. Lol!

This episode of Gold, Goats ‘n Guns was also quite thought-provoking. Especially to someone who has realised that pretty much no one in the political or media mainstream offers anything of value anymore.

[Edit] His analysis of the Carlson-Putin interview was also worth reading.

The Neil Oliver’s interview with Christine Anderson is also worth watching. Not least do I share her view that the only reason the EU is backing down regarding farming is that they still don’t dare dabble in voter fraud at quite that level. It has to look enough above board. Ergo, they will pretend to roll things back. For now. Once the election is over, it will come back in a new form. Top tip: vote in new people who are outspoken against the globalist agenda.

Lastly, the latest episode of Dr Sam’s podcast is very important. Parts of the freedom movement now want to sweep things under the rug that should not be swept there. It is important because virology must be exposed as the utter fraud that it is. Why? Because virology has become one of the most effective tools to destroy freedom, integrity, health, and wealth. Especially as several groups, including the WHO and the WEF, are kicking around new imaginary diseases to destroy the common man even more.

As always, keep the fires stoked!

☞ The ‘died suddenly’ trend

☞ The ‘died suddenly’ trend

The virus is fake, but the lethality of the “vaccine” is very real. This documentary goes into what’s going on with the vaccine injured. And it’s looking bleak at best. People, especially children, are dying and no one is really talking about it in the mainstream. This film posits that this may well have been the idea to begin with. I tend to lean in that direction too. Too many things had to be falling into place for this to be a mere coincidence if you ask me.

Let us never forget what they have done!

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

☞ The X-Files was right! (About this too…)

☞ The X-Files was right! (About this too…)

The propaganda around American alphabet-soup organisations is everywhere. Some of the most popular TV shows in history are about how, ultimately, they are defenders of what is right and good in this world. Even if our specific hero sometimes has to fight the tedious, and occasionally evil, bureaucracies of (especially) Washington. Of the shows about these, mostly, three-letter agencies, one stands out in my mind. The X-Files. It was always at the very least more nuanced. There were good individuals (such as Mulder, Scully, and Skinner), but mostly the FBI was either portrayed as inept, actively trying to hide the truth, in the hands of dark forces, or even part of the dark forces. Yes, you can find exceptions, but looking back it is quite striking how negative towards the FBI this FBI show was.

No wonder it was always my favourite. 😏

Lately, it has become abundantly clear that if the FBI as an organisation ever was good, that’s now well in the past. It is now a highly politicised tool, mostly used by the government in general against citizens, and more often than not by the left against the right. I hope there are real Mulder’s and Sculley’s working away in the organisation, but I’m finding it ever harder to believe.

And for old time’s sake, why not enjoy some funny scenes from one of the best shows of the 90s:

Remember to laugh, remember that the truth is out there, and keep looking at the sky.

As always, keep tending your fire.

☞ Time Out…

☞ Time Out…

It may be that you wonder where I’ve gone on social media, Twitter and Instagram specifically. Well, early in July I was suspended for calling John Oliver a two-faced liar and coward. He and his team had tweeted something about standing up for freedom of speech and I called him out on his bullshit. As it transpires, this is verboten in our ‘free’ society…

To be fair, I was only banned for a week. However, when they also told me I could still be on there to watch limply like some sort of Valley cuck, I said “screw it” and logged off for a while. Most likely I will return at some point if for no other reason than that I have plenty of friends on both platforms. But for now, I’m out making things (I’ve built a stairway in the garden!) and learning new things.

Just today I got enrolled in The Body Code over at Discover Healing. It’s the second step now that I’ve become certified in The Emotion Code. My plan is to become a full-time healer (and possibly bard, as in writer).

As ever tending the fires.

☞ Keep thinking for yourself!

☞ Keep thinking for yourself!

One great casualty of the ‘pandemic’ was my trust in the mainstream media, my trust in politicians, my trust in institutions, my trust in… in ‘The State’ essentially. I grew up with a healthy scepsis, sure, but fundamentally I believed in the system and that it worked more for us than against us. I can’t believe this anymore. Because I have seen it for what it is. A lie. Has it ever been what it looked like it was? I really don’t know. I hope it was. And broadly, it did look that way.

I should have woken up with 9/11. I should have woken up with the one-two punch of Assange and Snowden. But this wasn’t my path. Slowly I got into low-carb eating, and this led to my finally starting to wake up with the events of 2020/2021. And now here we are. I believe the pandemic was a hoax of epic proportions, designed to accomplish something else. Possibly digital IDs and total government control. Ostensibly, this has failed. Now they need a new distraction so they can fix it. Which is why I have many questions about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It’s superbly convenient for an incredible number of people. For now, I’m only on the side of the people getting hurt in a game they don’t control. But something about the whole thing stinks to high heaven. But I do not know what. This video puts the finger on much of what I feel too:

Whatever happens, keep thinking your own thoughts. And tend to your fire.

☞ Further down the rabbit hole

☞ Further down the rabbit hole

A little over a year ago, I had started to really wonder about the whole Corona thing. In the beginning I was more or less as panicked as everyone else. How could you not be? Though I never wore a face diaper. That seemed such a stupid thing already then. Restricting breathing during a flu can’t be good, and the particles in question are much smaller than the holes in most of the masks anyway. But I did the hand washing, I used the sanitiser, I stopped touching things or people. I even felt betrayed by my own hands! I had good friends online though, who were very much telling me this was not what it seemed. And I guess the soiled had already been tilled. Hours of The X-Files, Mysterious Universe, going lowcarb (yes actually), and Judy Mikovits‘ book A Plague of Corruption had primed me well. Something didn’t add up!

I know longer remember how I stumbled across these three documentaries. But even though there’s since been tons of other sources, and I now can see that other things fit in to my rapidly evolving world view, these three really cracked me open. Now some of you might be thinking, oh here we go. You watched Plandemic and bought it. And you would be right. I did watch it, and I thought a lot about it. But I did not really know what to make of it, other than that I did not have any reson to doubt especially Mikovits. For various reason I had come across Dave Rubin and Del Bigtree related to other subjects, but Rubin led me to No Safe Spaces, and Bigtree to Vaxxed.

Watching No Safe Spaces more or less opened me up to what I had been feeling for a while. Our freedoms were being chipped away at. The movie predominantly deals with the US, but in Europe the protections are weaker, and possible under even more stress. And though the documentary mainly deals with conservatives not being allowed to speak, I think the issue is much wider than that. We are no longer allowed to question main stream narratives. Main stream ideas. I’ve experienced it my self several times. Join in or shut up!

Mostly No Safe Spaces just helped me put words to something I had been feeling for a while. Vaxxed however, now that was a different story. Now, is it controversial? I guess so. But if you watch it with an open mind, like I did, you can’t escape the feeling that at there is at least something to what they are saying. The first movie deals with vaccines and children developing autism, the second one goes in to mainly the HPV vaccines if I recall right. Looking around after having watched them, it very quickly became apparent that you are not allowed to like them. You should preferably never see them. If the powers that be have anything to say about it.

As a relatively classically educated man and contrarian, this always makes my blood boil. Don’t you tell me what I can and can not read or watch. And not only that, once I started pulling at these threads, a house of cards has started to appear that is just incredible. Is it one great conspiracy? I don’t know. Several small ones? I don’t know. The one thing I am sure of is this: we the people have no been told the truth on so many things for at least a century. I may not know what is going on. But at least, I am awake and even further down the rabbit hole than before.