☞ Tweetie?

If anyone notices such things anymore you may have realised I am no longer waxing eloquent, or otherwise, on Twitter. I’ve been over and out for a bit more than two months I believe. By choice? No. I was kicked off and banned for life. By the “freedom of speech” platform itself. Sure, I only had a bit north of 1000 followers, but I’d had the account since 2007. It was mostly a nice place to hang out, and pretty much the only one I used with any regularity at the time.
So what had I written that was so repugnant that Elon Musk had to throw me off and ban me for life? I really don’t know. I asked them, of course. But they just pointed me to their guidelines, and said I had had multiple violations and upon review, I was now banned for life.
My best guess as to why has to do with virology, vaccines, Big Pharma, and celebrities. As far as I can remember I’ve only ever been kicked off once before. For basically calling Stephen Colbert a pharma shill causing irrevocable harm by indoctrinating people to get shot after shot.
This, I learned, was not something that you can say. Who knew criticising unelected “elites” in the 21st century would be cause for censorship? Once again Elon seem to have the right principles on paper, but in his actions he is very much on the other side, as it were. He only ever goes just far enough to get the attention of the freedom movement, but never all out.
Anyone who has followed me for a while knows that I’ve been quite critical of the plandemic, that once I realised the shenanigans going on I’ve been keen to call them out and show people why vaccines are little but poisons and viruses do not seem even to exist. Adding to this, I’ve been very openly critical of mainstream media, mainstream politics1Including my own former party, the Liberal Party of Sweden, and the supposed right-wing hardline government of the same country., the “green” agenda, the WHO, the UN, the EU, the WEF, the Federal Government, mainstream health- & diet advice, the ADL, celebrities, and, lately not least, commonly pushed historical narratives.
Do any of these entities care about what I say? It’s unlikely. But that’s not to say they will welcome dissidents even so. I’m not sure what was the final straw, but to the best of my knowledge, I got kicked off and banned for being too truthful. At least, that’s how I’m going to interpret it.
The twist to the plot, however, is that basically the same week as I got banned for life, is when Elon started moving Twitter over to become X. And with this the winds of change seem to be once more sweeping the digital “public square”. Not only is it well known that the CEO of Twitter/X is a WEF stooge who did her best to indoctrinate people before and seems less than keen on free as in beer information. But now X is looking to have everyone verify themselves in quite questionable ways2TL;DR “Now X wants to become the one app for everything. That sounds like a digital ID to me. Twitter already has your voice if you participated in any spaces, now they want your face. Musk stores data outside of the GDPR, so he can ignore all data protection rules.”. And the EU is adding its weight to try and stymie whatever would be left of a free and open exchange of ideas and opinions, as the Union pretty much openly states that dissenting opinions on anything are not welcome and should be quelled through the EU Digital Services Act.
All in all, this makes me feel quite lucky to have gotten out when I did. I don’t need to second guess or think about it. I can’t even by drunken mistake do something I believe most people will come to regret eventually. A spiritual medium I know told me I had been helped by the other side. I think she could very well be right! For what it’s worth, I think everyone should leave Twitter/X forthwith. And while you’re at it, if you still have a Facebook account, kill that too.
Where will I go for social media now? I don’t know. I’m looking at various networks. Mostly to get access to information “they” don’t want you to have, I rely on good old going to web pages and Telegram. But the EU DSA may well compromise the latter soon too. I know it would behoove my future plans to have a social media page for my services, but only the gods know where I will find a suitable space.
Here’s to freedom! Even if it temporarily isolates us.