☞ YouTube vs health
I saw this video by Dr Eric Berg a week or so ago, and today saw the same video commented on by Dr Eric Westman. I’m still not sure whether it’s literally so, but I have little to no problem believing it. Why? Because I kept my eyes open during the scamdemic. Science is questioning. Science is not accepting dogma nor never question authority. And YouTube, sadly, along with most of the big tech and media companies, has shown itself discouragingly ready to censor anything that isn’t dogma. All this to say, YouTube has become so much less useful to anyone actually concerned with health, it’s barely useful at all unless you know exactly what you are searching for1At least in the keto & carnivore space. You can still find Dr Berry or Dr Baker, based on what Dr Berg is saying. However, if you want to question virology and the allopathic idea, you’re up a creek.. This is one of many reasons why, for instance, Dr Sam Bailey out of New Zealand shifted her whole video production to a more open platform like Odysee.
Overall, I agree, or at the very least respect, Dr Berg and Dr Westman regarding nutrition and weight loss. I think his idea to separate out those who sell stuff from those who don’t might be a good idea initially. But the problem is, such systems can be gamed. And if the past three years have proven anything, whether it be vaccines or euthanasia, modern Western society utterly lacks the capacity for dealing with grey areas. It will be used for censorship and silencing. People are allowed to grift. People are allowed to be wrong. People are allowed to be dissenting voices. The government is not our parents.
These are truly dark times. Truth is actively stamped out, questioning is actively discouraged, and thinking for yourself is ever closer to being considered illegal. Don’t give up! Take your health into your own hands. The below tweet is by and large great advice!2And never forget, government is practically always involved in all that’s big. Be it Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media, etc.