☞ Time Out…
It may be that you wonder where I’ve gone on social media, Twitter and Instagram specifically. Well, early in July I was suspended for calling John Oliver a two-faced liar and coward. He and his team had tweeted something about standing up for freedom of speech and I called him out on his bullshit. As it transpires, this is verboten in our ‘free’ society…
To be fair, I was only banned for a week. However, when they also told me I could still be on there to watch limply like some sort of Valley cuck, I said “screw it” and logged off for a while. Most likely I will return at some point if for no other reason than that I have plenty of friends on both platforms. But for now, I’m out making things (I’ve built a stairway in the garden!) and learning new things.
Just today I got enrolled in The Body Code over at Discover Healing. It’s the second step now that I’ve become certified in The Emotion Code. My plan is to become a full-time healer (and possibly bard, as in writer).
As ever tending the fires.