☞ Odds, Ends & Don’t Trust The Gov’t…
When 2023 began I genuinely thought things would, if not improve at least, plane out. So far, they haven’t really. My grandmother, whom I was quite close to, died suddenly1Unlike my bonus father, she was definitely ‘vaccinated’. Draw your own conclusions. at the end of September. This makes the second death in my close family in less than a year. Quite frankly, it’s been a tad rough and still is. I don’t think I quite realised how rough it was until quite recently. In one way it’s natural of course, she was 90, and I do think she was rather done with life. But in another, she’s always been there. I’ve helped her a lot, she’s helped me a lot. It’s a part of me that is now gone from the physical.
Between her death, raising a second puppy, trying to get on with my courses, sorting my life out, and getting somewhere with my healing endeavours, I also decided to go for NaNoWriMo this year. For a very practical reason. I’ve suffered writer’s block for a good while now, and I think I may have actually broken through finally. Even to the point where I did finish November with the 50.000 words required! I think as a self-development thing, it did me good, even if I’ve little to show for it here and now.

Behind the scenes, the wheels are turning and hopefully, I can focus my energy more efficiently soon. But right now, I wanted to share this video by the excellent Dr Sam Bailey; A is for Antivaxxer:
The antivaxx label isn’t to be feared anymore. Rather, as long as the virology and vaccine scam is allowed to stand, they can continue with bogus made-up viral outbreaks that exist only in silico and as propaganda bandwagons in the media.
Generally speaking, the old idea of “Don’t do drugs!” is quite useful for life. Especially if Big Pharma, doctors, so-called public health, and the UN are involved.
Keep your fire burning!