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WHO’s Global Power Grab – PART 1 TRAILER

WHO’s Global Power Grab – PART 1 TRAILER

De-fund and leave the WHO immediately.

☞ YouTube vs health

☞ YouTube vs health

I saw this video by Dr Eric Berg a week or so ago, and today saw the same video commented on by Dr Eric Westman. I’m still not sure whether it’s literally so, but I have little to no problem believing it. Why? Because I kept my eyes open during the scamdemic. Science is questioning. Science is not accepting dogma nor never question authority. And YouTube, sadly, along with most of the big tech and media companies, has shown itself discouragingly ready to censor anything that isn’t dogma. All this to say, YouTube has become so much less useful to anyone actually concerned with health, it’s barely useful at all unless you know exactly what you are searching for1At least in the keto & carnivore space. You can still find Dr Berry or Dr Baker, based on what Dr Berg is saying. However, if you want to question virology and the allopathic idea, you’re up a creek.. This is one of many reasons why, for instance, Dr Sam Bailey out of New Zealand shifted her whole video production to a more open platform like Odysee.

Overall, I agree, or at the very least respect, Dr Berg and Dr Westman regarding nutrition and weight loss. I think his idea to separate out those who sell stuff from those who don’t might be a good idea initially. But the problem is, such systems can be gamed. And if the past three years have proven anything, whether it be vaccines or euthanasia, modern Western society utterly lacks the capacity for dealing with grey areas. It will be used for censorship and silencing. People are allowed to grift. People are allowed to be wrong. People are allowed to be dissenting voices. The government is not our parents.

These are truly dark times. Truth is actively stamped out, questioning is actively discouraged, and thinking for yourself is ever closer to being considered illegal. Don’t give up! Take your health into your own hands. The below tweet is by and large great advice!2And never forget, government is practically always involved in all that’s big. Be it Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media, etc.

☞ It’s starting. Again…

☞ It’s starting. Again…

They are going to try and ramp it up again. Though, I think, it might be a little harder this time around as more and more people are starting to think something is off. That doesn’t mean the propaganda won’t be intense! And many will fall for it. One wonders for how long The Atlantic’s talk of “amnesty”1For the record, we did know something was off. And you bastards didn’t just stay quiet as the trains rolled out with us, you actively cheered and hunted us down. The ‘I wonder what I would do if I lived during Nazism in Germany’-question has been answered for many. And you, dear mainstream media, now know. You are bastards without moral fibre. will continue, or if they will go back to calling the vaccine sceptics, hesitant, and non-believers for all the negative invectives in the dictionary.

Dr Sam BAiley has a new instalment in her series on the Covid fraud, and this time she is touching in the reruns. It’s hard to lie with such fervour without repetition.

The COVID-19 narrative is running out of fresh material, so they are starting to do re-runs. And just like “The Love Boat”, the stories aboard the Princess Cruise ships are just as fictional.

I also think there is some measure of what might be thought of as controlled opposition. We have several dissident doctors at this point, but they all buy into the idea that virology is real. Based on what I’ve read and seen at this point, I’m more than willing to say: It doesn’t! I know that Del Bigrtree has more or less hinted that he thinks there might be something to that idea, but that the average Joe isn’t ready to hear it. That is, people are adult enough to hear their governments have been, actively or by accident, trying to kill them, yet not adult enough to hear virology might be a well-funded scam of epic proportions. Adding insult to injury, this means all the talk about “lab leaks” and “gain of function” is bollocks too. Sure, they may have all sorts of poisons in those labs, but they aren’t viruses. And given what’s going on with money rolling into Ukraine from both the US and the EU, and likely through FTX and on to the Democrats, this too would be a pretty excellent way to empty the public purse and get it into the hands of the scrupleless through Big Pharma.

The “Gain of Function” narrative is reaching all new heights. Boston University claimed they engineered a “virus” with an 80% lethality rate. But what actually killed these poor mice?

I’m not quite through it yet, but I highly recommend Dr Mark Bailey’s article Why nobody “Had, Caught, or Got” COVID-19.

☞ The ‘died suddenly’ trend

☞ The ‘died suddenly’ trend

The virus is fake, but the lethality of the “vaccine” is very real. This documentary goes into what’s going on with the vaccine injured. And it’s looking bleak at best. People, especially children, are dying and no one is really talking about it in the mainstream. This film posits that this may well have been the idea to begin with. I tend to lean in that direction too. Too many things had to be falling into place for this to be a mere coincidence if you ask me.

Let us never forget what they have done!

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

☞ O polio, polio,where art thou polio?

☞ O polio, polio,where art thou polio?

Silly question?1And yes, I know it’s wherefore art thou, but I needed it to be a where. You might think so, but as it turns out it very likely isn’t. Questioning the existence of polio is, however, very controversial. In face I got banned from Mastodon just for sharing a link about it without comment. No first strike or anything, just plain banned! As usual, this only makes me think there really is something to the claim. Anything censored must be good!

I had actually come across the idea that polio isn’t a virus before. In the fantastic book Virus Mania, there’s a section on the topic.2Chapter 2: The Microbe Hunters Seize Power. Polio: Pesticides such as DDT and heavy metals under suspicion. The article I found did remind me though. Since I won’t ban my self from my own site, here’s the link: POLIO is a man-made disease caused by heavy metals exposure, not a virus… the entire history of polio and vaccines was fabricated.

For me one of the most intriguing arguments is this:

It is important to note that polio as modern medicine defines it does not infect animals. So how, then, did animals “catch” and die from it back in the late 1800s? The answer is that poliomyelitis is a metal toxicity disease, not a contagious viral disease.

Besides competing theories for disease, this really made me think. And I am quite ready to believe this. In fact the curves for polio do seem to follow the introduction and use of DDT quite well, though it seems likely arsenic may have been the original poison. Adding to which we got a vaccine, and we know it killed several children. This rather than administering protocols to help the body detox from heavy metals.

Not only that, of course the Rockefeller family is involved too, and as per usual, be they this family or the Gates family or many others, this meant a lot of money but no free thinking. The virus myth continues on.

☞ Quite interesting about blue

☞ Quite interesting about blue

I found this a fascinating, and quite interesting, video about biological blue in nature, from butterflies to eyes, and why it is so very rare. And beautiful!

Among living things, the color blue is oddly rare. Blue rocks, blue sky, blue water, sure. But blue animals? They are few and far between. And the ones that do make blue? They make it in some very strange and special ways compared to other colors. In this video, we’ll look at some very cool butterflies to help us learn how living things make blue, and why this beautiful hue is so rare in nature.

☞ Do viruses even exist?

☞ Do viruses even exist?

That will seem like a stupid question to most people. It would have to me too. Before I came across Dr Samantha Bailey, more affectionately as Dr Sam, that is. Not only did Dr Sam talk about terrain theory and recommend a book called Virus Mania1She has been a co-author of the latest edition., but she also has several fascinating videos on the topic. The more I look into disease, the more I have to say terrain theory mostly makes sense, while germ theory doesn’t. Below Dr Sam explains what it is far better than I can.

This leads to the question of whether viruses actually exists at all. They might, however without proper research it’s impossible to say. This research has not, it might surprise you to know, never been done. So far, viruses by and large have actually not been proven. Every time they try, it ends up, at best, inconclusive2Yes, cell cultures produce growths they say are because of a virus, but cell cultures without an added virus produce the same by-products. Probably because of anti-fungal additives etc.. Normally in science, this would lead researchers to conclude that there must be something else going on.

So how do they prove a virus? By looking for debris essentially. When they find small pieces they don’t think should be there, they call it a virus. It’s negative proof. We still don’t seem to have a virus caught on camera though even the best electron microscopes! This in turn calls vaccinations into question. What do they do if there aren’t any viruses?

This is a good question and one I can’t yet answer myself. But it’s a fact that many of the diseases we think were conquered by vaccination campaigns, actually weren’t. Even the official graphs clearly show the illnesses waning away naturally long before we start vaccinations3For a great example of this, watch this video on measles., and might well be due to less vitamin A deficiency, better living conditions, and better hygiene.

This graph is incredibly telling to me. (from Dr Sam’s video on measles).

There is so much more to explore down this particular venue, but one of the perhaps most pertinent is: does SARS-CoV-2 exist? Uhm… Well, if you follow the news or politics, yes of course it does. But does it really? Well… No. Not if we mean an actually isolated and sequenced virus. We have not taken pictures of it with an electron microscope, nor do we have a genome. Personally, I am perfectly willing to say: We are being lied to! Listen to this Wise Traditions podcast episode4Curiosity led a biostatistician down an unusual path. Intrigued by the concept that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been isolated ever, our guest began inquiring of health departments around the world: Do you have evidence of an isolated virus? To date, over 100 institutions from all over the globe have responded…and there has been no evidence in sight of SARS-CoV-2. ❡ Christine Massey, a former biostatistician for cancer researchers, today discusses her research on the concept of viruses (and this “virus” in particular) and what she’s learned through hundreds of FOIA requests (freedom of information act) from health departments all over the world. ❡ She goes over how the cultures or samples used to “isolate the virus” are actually interfering with the process. She exposes the flaws in this methodology and the problem with PCR testing. She also explains why talk of “variants” is essentially nonsense. below to hear what I mean. No one has been able to provide researcher Christine Massey with any proof that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists.

This then goes on to the current mass hysteria, in no small part fueled by a biased and more and more openly evil Mainstream Media, and rampant censorship5Just try talking about any of this on Youtube, Twitter, or Facebook.. You are not allowed to question the current narrative that there is a virus, and that the only way to overcome it is to take an untested mRNA injection, which even the inventor, Dr Robert Malone, warns against doing.

I personally believe we are headed for a humanitarian disaster with these “vaccinations”. Not only are we destroying democracy and God-given rights in the name of “public health”6While conveniently forgetting that the survival rate of the couff is well above 99% for healthy individuals in nearly every age group bar the oldest., governments are forcing a ‘prick’ inside peoples bodies and injecting them with a fluid that may have great ramifications over time. That is rape. Pure and simple.

It’s hard to say what the hell is going on and where it will lead. Am I right in my fears? I truly hope I am not. The ramifications are too extreme to even grasp. Is there an evil plot underneath aimed at reducing the population? A cabal controlling everything? Honestly, I don’t know. A year ago, I would have said that was at best very unlikely. Now? I’m really not so sure. I’m not done thinking about this. And I will have to delve into pools of thought that are quite forbidden to find out more. But I will do it. I am tired of being lied to. And if there’s one thing I am sure of it’s this: essentially no one in power is telling us the truth right now. And I don’t even know if they ever have.

This post is not meant to be as bleak as it sounds. On the contrary. Take charge of your own health. Turn off the TV. Start living your life. Stop listening to fearmongering people who will make more money the more afraid you are. We will win eventually! So I’ll leave you to listen to the imminently positive, informative, and kind professor Tim Noaks:

☞ Further down the rabbit hole

☞ Further down the rabbit hole

A little over a year ago, I had started to really wonder about the whole Corona thing. In the beginning I was more or less as panicked as everyone else. How could you not be? Though I never wore a face diaper. That seemed such a stupid thing already then. Restricting breathing during a flu can’t be good, and the particles in question are much smaller than the holes in most of the masks anyway. But I did the hand washing, I used the sanitiser, I stopped touching things or people. I even felt betrayed by my own hands! I had good friends online though, who were very much telling me this was not what it seemed. And I guess the soiled had already been tilled. Hours of The X-Files, Mysterious Universe, going lowcarb (yes actually), and Judy Mikovits‘ book A Plague of Corruption had primed me well. Something didn’t add up!

I know longer remember how I stumbled across these three documentaries. But even though there’s since been tons of other sources, and I now can see that other things fit in to my rapidly evolving world view, these three really cracked me open. Now some of you might be thinking, oh here we go. You watched Plandemic and bought it. And you would be right. I did watch it, and I thought a lot about it. But I did not really know what to make of it, other than that I did not have any reson to doubt especially Mikovits. For various reason I had come across Dave Rubin and Del Bigtree related to other subjects, but Rubin led me to No Safe Spaces, and Bigtree to Vaxxed.

Watching No Safe Spaces more or less opened me up to what I had been feeling for a while. Our freedoms were being chipped away at. The movie predominantly deals with the US, but in Europe the protections are weaker, and possible under even more stress. And though the documentary mainly deals with conservatives not being allowed to speak, I think the issue is much wider than that. We are no longer allowed to question main stream narratives. Main stream ideas. I’ve experienced it my self several times. Join in or shut up!

Mostly No Safe Spaces just helped me put words to something I had been feeling for a while. Vaxxed however, now that was a different story. Now, is it controversial? I guess so. But if you watch it with an open mind, like I did, you can’t escape the feeling that at there is at least something to what they are saying. The first movie deals with vaccines and children developing autism, the second one goes in to mainly the HPV vaccines if I recall right. Looking around after having watched them, it very quickly became apparent that you are not allowed to like them. You should preferably never see them. If the powers that be have anything to say about it.

As a relatively classically educated man and contrarian, this always makes my blood boil. Don’t you tell me what I can and can not read or watch. And not only that, once I started pulling at these threads, a house of cards has started to appear that is just incredible. Is it one great conspiracy? I don’t know. Several small ones? I don’t know. The one thing I am sure of is this: we the people have no been told the truth on so many things for at least a century. I may not know what is going on. But at least, I am awake and even further down the rabbit hole than before.

☞ Inconsistent constants

☞ Inconsistent constants

I came across this video while roaming the internet a while back. Now, I’m aware Rupert Sheldrake is, shall we say controversial.1To the point of being outright hated by many I get that, and yet, what he is saying here makes perfect sense to me.

I don’t believe the universe is materialistic. I am convinced by the research claiming the Universe to be fundamentally made of consciousness.2A notion I intend to explore further in future posts too. In essence, then, the Universe is alive in my view. And that’s where we get to one of my most interesting aha moments watching this video: physical constants fluctuate over time. They are not constant! The main reason we don’t notice is that no one bothers to check anymore. We need the universe to run on constants, but the Universe doesn’t really. Which, I think, makes perfect sense.

As I understand Sheldrake, it’s because the Universe fluctuates. It’s natural. Sunspots, waves, our bodies etc. And once you think about it you realise everything does, if you leave the human point of view. Some things fluctuate so quickly we don’t notice, other things so slowly we don’t notice.

As always, make up your own mind! But to me, the Universe is both more magical and more alive than we have been led to believe. I’m a big believer in the scientific principle, I do however have a deep mistrust of Science™ and scientist who think everything is settled. Science is never settled, it just strives to be better.