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Feudalism – The Return

Feudalism – The Return

Since realising the party I was working for wasn’t what I thought1Although I also adjusted my views some at the same time. But I still think I fell victim to the old truth that when you see how the sausage is made, you either stop eating or don’t care. I stopped eating in this case., I’ve had to question some of my positions throughout that career. One of the ones I still am proud of, is that I did try to work against a reinstatement of conscription in my country. The party still voted for it, and the country too. But I was against it then, and am still now.

At the time, my opposition was based around the idea that the state and government, in my view, does not have the opinion to order anyone to do anything. Especially not risk one’s life. My position is that a country needs to be run so well, so true to the heart and soul of the folk of that nation, that if or when there is an enemy at the gates, people will fall over themselves to defend what is theirs. Conscription allows a country to be run like a third-world shit-hole without consequence for the people in charge.

Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen takes this idea a step further. He calls it Feudalism 2.0. And, now, as I too have started to pay attention to the various threads that are coming together, I fully agree. From enforced vaccinations, to, in my country, mandatory state schools, to conscription and perhaps a widening of this to include well more than military service. For free.

Perhaps someone might think I, and Bjørn, are being overly conspiratorial here? I do not think so. The direction is very clear. Some might even say “But you have to do your duty and then demand your rights”2A classic socialist saying in Sweden: Gör din plikt, kräv din rätt.. To this is say: bollox! Our right have been boiled down to “free” stuff from the government. My right to life, to do honest work, to own my land, to offer my services, to live as I see fit whilst not infringing on the rights of another. These are NOT state given, they were given us by the Gods.

It is quite clear that the so-called social contract of pretty well all Western3Clearly there are levels in hell here. nations have been most thoroughly broken at this point. And the tool used to set fire to what’s left is a combination of plandemics, eternal wars, and climate psychosis.

We have to wake up to what is being done to us. Whether it is every day control with CBDC and surveillance “for your safety and convenience” or this new type of utter ‘thralldom’. The state does not own you. It is time we all remembered that.

☞ Recommended – The Shift

☞ Recommended – The Shift

A thought-provoking and deep film with Wayne D. Dyer that I’ve come back to several times in my life through the years. I nearly always find something new to ponder and consider, or I’ve grown myself and see ideas in a new light. It’s well worth two hours of an evening!

☞ Cleese & Fry in discussion

☞ Cleese & Fry in discussion

I found a lot to take with me in this short clip. Both Stephen Fry’s idea that the power to walk away is a great thing, and perhaps even more his thoughts about the internet. I’ve certainly not been as naïve as many, but certainly, I’ve never been quite cautious enough. And truly, disruption I do also find to be quite negative, unfortunately. The breaking down of old hindrances and ways isn’t necessarily bad, but in this case, it was, as Mr Fry points out, down for the wrong reasons. Mere money and destruction, rather than true wealth and creation.

“The Darkest Word of Our Era is Disruption.”

– Stephen Fry
☞ Get in touch with your intuition

☞ Get in touch with your intuition

Personally, I find this to be quite true too. Looking back I can point to several occasions where I realise I should have listened to my intuition. In fact, my current quest to become a healer includes honing my intuition as well. I know dwelling on the past is mostly useless, however, I do wish I had learnt this lesson as a teenager. So much suffering could have been avoided. On the other hand, it would likely have been replaced by other mistakes…

Trust your intuition; tend your fire.

☞ Keep thinking for yourself!

☞ Keep thinking for yourself!

One great casualty of the ‘pandemic’ was my trust in the mainstream media, my trust in politicians, my trust in institutions, my trust in… in ‘The State’ essentially. I grew up with a healthy scepsis, sure, but fundamentally I believed in the system and that it worked more for us than against us. I can’t believe this anymore. Because I have seen it for what it is. A lie. Has it ever been what it looked like it was? I really don’t know. I hope it was. And broadly, it did look that way.

I should have woken up with 9/11. I should have woken up with the one-two punch of Assange and Snowden. But this wasn’t my path. Slowly I got into low-carb eating, and this led to my finally starting to wake up with the events of 2020/2021. And now here we are. I believe the pandemic was a hoax of epic proportions, designed to accomplish something else. Possibly digital IDs and total government control. Ostensibly, this has failed. Now they need a new distraction so they can fix it. Which is why I have many questions about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It’s superbly convenient for an incredible number of people. For now, I’m only on the side of the people getting hurt in a game they don’t control. But something about the whole thing stinks to high heaven. But I do not know what. This video puts the finger on much of what I feel too:

Whatever happens, keep thinking your own thoughts. And tend to your fire.