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☞ Further down the rabbit hole

☞ Further down the rabbit hole

A little over a year ago, I had started to really wonder about the whole Corona thing. In the beginning I was more or less as panicked as everyone else. How could you not be? Though I never wore a face diaper. That seemed such a stupid thing already then. Restricting breathing during a flu can’t be good, and the particles in question are much smaller than the holes in most of the masks anyway. But I did the hand washing, I used the sanitiser, I stopped touching things or people. I even felt betrayed by my own hands! I had good friends online though, who were very much telling me this was not what it seemed. And I guess the soiled had already been tilled. Hours of The X-Files, Mysterious Universe, going lowcarb (yes actually), and Judy Mikovits‘ book A Plague of Corruption had primed me well. Something didn’t add up!

I know longer remember how I stumbled across these three documentaries. But even though there’s since been tons of other sources, and I now can see that other things fit in to my rapidly evolving world view, these three really cracked me open. Now some of you might be thinking, oh here we go. You watched Plandemic and bought it. And you would be right. I did watch it, and I thought a lot about it. But I did not really know what to make of it, other than that I did not have any reson to doubt especially Mikovits. For various reason I had come across Dave Rubin and Del Bigtree related to other subjects, but Rubin led me to No Safe Spaces, and Bigtree to Vaxxed.

Watching No Safe Spaces more or less opened me up to what I had been feeling for a while. Our freedoms were being chipped away at. The movie predominantly deals with the US, but in Europe the protections are weaker, and possible under even more stress. And though the documentary mainly deals with conservatives not being allowed to speak, I think the issue is much wider than that. We are no longer allowed to question main stream narratives. Main stream ideas. I’ve experienced it my self several times. Join in or shut up!

Mostly No Safe Spaces just helped me put words to something I had been feeling for a while. Vaxxed however, now that was a different story. Now, is it controversial? I guess so. But if you watch it with an open mind, like I did, you can’t escape the feeling that at there is at least something to what they are saying. The first movie deals with vaccines and children developing autism, the second one goes in to mainly the HPV vaccines if I recall right. Looking around after having watched them, it very quickly became apparent that you are not allowed to like them. You should preferably never see them. If the powers that be have anything to say about it.

As a relatively classically educated man and contrarian, this always makes my blood boil. Don’t you tell me what I can and can not read or watch. And not only that, once I started pulling at these threads, a house of cards has started to appear that is just incredible. Is it one great conspiracy? I don’t know. Several small ones? I don’t know. The one thing I am sure of is this: we the people have no been told the truth on so many things for at least a century. I may not know what is going on. But at least, I am awake and even further down the rabbit hole than before.